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In the dynamic landscape of modern recruitment, a highly personalized candidate experience is non-negotiable for companies aiming to attract top talent. Today's job market is competitive and workers have options — making the career site an essential gateway through which prospective candidates form their first impressions.

To gain a competitive edge, organizations must ensure their sites are easily discoverable, convey a strong employer brand, are easy to use, and provide a comprehensive snapshot into their culture. This helps candidates find the right job faster, while getting an accurate glimpse into working for the employer.


49% of the Fortune 500 provided opportunities to start the job search “above the fold”

Dive Deeper


49% of the Fortune 500 provided opportunities to start the job search “above the fold”

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49% of the Fortune 500 provided opportunities to start the job search “above the fold”

Dive Deeper


13% had an intuitive job search and apply process, requiring less than three clicks to apply

↑18% increase since 2023


13% had an intuitive job search and apply process, requiring less than three clicks to apply

↑18% increase since 2023


13% had an intuitive job search and apply process, requiring less than three clicks to apply

↑18% increase since 2023


13% had an option for social login

↓13% decrease since 2023


13% had an option for social login

↓13% decrease since 2023


13% had an option for social login

↓13% decrease since 2023


100% of mobile sites loaded within five seconds or less

Dive Deeper


100% of mobile sites loaded within five seconds or less

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100% of mobile sites loaded within five seconds or less

Dive Deeper

Simple Search

Candidates should be able to easily find relevant jobs based on unique criteria like their specific skills, experience, and location. The search functionality must be intelligent enough to understand a candidate’s search and relevant keywords to deliver best-fit jobs within seconds.


89% of the Fortune 500 used six or more job aggregators, such as LinkedIn, Indeed, or Monster

↑19% increase since 2023


89% of the Fortune 500 used six or more job aggregators, such as LinkedIn, Indeed, or Monster

↑19% increase since 2023


89% of the Fortune 500 used six or more job aggregators, such as LinkedIn, Indeed, or Monster

↑19% increase since 2023


29% of Fortune 500 companies used at least three different social media accounts to attract candidates

Dive Deeper


29% of Fortune 500 companies used at least three different social media accounts to attract candidates

Dive Deeper


29% of Fortune 500 companies used at least three different social media accounts to attract candidates

Dive Deeper


0% of the Fortune 500 used UTM tracking consistently for job posting links on third-party sites


0% of the Fortune 500 used UTM tracking consistently for job posting links on third-party sites


0% of the Fortune 500 used UTM tracking consistently for job posting links on third-party sites


37% of the Fortune 500 hosted quality content that offered real value to visitors. This included a mix of video, blogs, employee testimonials, company reviews, photos, quotes, and more


37% of the Fortune 500 hosted quality content that offered real value to visitors. This included a mix of video, blogs, employee testimonials, company reviews, photos, quotes, and more


37% of the Fortune 500 hosted quality content that offered real value to visitors. This included a mix of video, blogs, employee testimonials, company reviews, photos, quotes, and more


5% had strong page and domain authority

Dive Deeper


5% had strong page and domain authority

Dive Deeper


5% had strong page and domain authority

Dive Deeper


61% included links to 3+ social media platforms

↑36% increase since 2023


61% included links to 3+ social media platforms

↑36% increase since 2023


61% included links to 3+ social media platforms

↑36% increase since 2023

Social Strategy

Today’s global culture is constantly connected, and the majority of candidates are now checking social media before visiting a company’s site to find jobs. Using social media to advertise open roles and opportunities is a best practice, as it’s a great way to boost the promotion of roles — especially those that may be hard to fill. Having a dynamic social media presence also allows candidates to connect with your brand, learn about your company culture, and envision themselves fitting right in.


15% had a type-ahead search functionality, where relevant results automatically pop up when someone begins typing

↑25% increase since 2023


15% had a type-ahead search functionality, where relevant results automatically pop up when someone begins typing

↑25% increase since 2023


15% had a type-ahead search functionality, where relevant results automatically pop up when someone begins typing

↑25% increase since 2023


86% of search functionality was not able to understand the context of the keyword and separate it with proper grouping (e.g., keyword, location, category)

Dive Deeper


86% of search functionality was not able to understand the context of the keyword and separate it with proper grouping (e.g., keyword, location, category)

Dive Deeper


86% of search functionality was not able to understand the context of the keyword and separate it with proper grouping (e.g., keyword, location, category)

Dive Deeper


86% of search functionality only showed results for what was typed — not similar suggestions


86% of search functionality only showed results for what was typed — not similar suggestions


86% of search functionality only showed results for what was typed — not similar suggestions


24% enabled auto location detection to suggest nearby jobs


24% enabled auto location detection to suggest nearby jobs


24% enabled auto location detection to suggest nearby jobs

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With Phenom, candidates find and choose the right job faster, employees develop their skills and evolve, recruiters become wildly productive, talent marketers engage with extreme efficiency, talent leaders optimize hiring processes, managers build stronger-performing teams, HR aligns employee development with company goals, and HRIS easily integrates existing HR tech to create a holistic infrastructure.

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With Phenom, candidates find and choose the right job faster, employees develop their skills and evolve, recruiters become wildly productive, talent marketers engage with extreme efficiency, talent leaders optimize hiring processes, managers build stronger-performing teams, HR aligns employee development with company goals, and HRIS easily integrates existing HR tech to create a holistic infrastructure.

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With Phenom, candidates find and choose the right job faster, employees develop their skills and evolve, recruiters become wildly productive, talent marketers engage with extreme efficiency, talent leaders optimize hiring processes, managers build stronger-performing teams, HR aligns employee development with company goals, and HRIS easily integrates existing HR tech to create a holistic infrastructure.

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